How hot is it gonna be? – A recap of my Scottsdale business retreat.
I’m sitting on a plane as I’m writing this (although it probably won’t actually get posted for several weeks), thousands of feet above the air, flying over the beautiful Sonoran Desert in Arizona. I’m exhausted. I smell like a strong mixture of chlorine and sweat because I went straight from the pool to the airport. I haven’t washed my hair in several days. I miss my babies. But my heart is full. So incredibly full.
Two years ago, I would have told you that there wasn’t a setting that existed where women not only set out to support each other, but whose whole purpose in business was to build other women up and empower them. I no longer believe that statement. Growing up I didn’t have a long list of a million friends. Acquaintances yes. But a million close friends? No. The women who have remained in my life are those that I consider family. They’re the women who love me for the hot mess that I am and stand by my side without question. But over the last year, the list of friends who have come into that circle has grown.
This weekend I spent four days in Scottsdale, Arizona with over 20 beautiful, smart, and incredibly talented women from across the U.S. and Canada for a leadership retreat; many of these women I now consider dear friends. I’ve learned a lot of things through this experience and this company but one of the greatest lessons I took away from this weekend was, to listen. Not to listen to respond, but to truly listen to understand.
I listened to a story of heartbreak and loss. A story that no mother should ever have to tell. A story that in the end, turned into beautiful healing, in part through the opportunity we share in our business.
I listened to a badass, strikingly beautiful, former corporate chick, recount her memories of working in the corporate world and her brave decision to walk away. I listened with tears rolling down my cheeks as she spoke of the joy she now gets to experience every day through her children’s eyes and her ability to be present…and then in the same breath, I listened while laughing hysterically as she shared some of her struggles through this journey with the perfect amount of sass and wit.
I listened to a retired NICU nurse who has built a literal empire in less than five years and at the end of the day, strives to show us that we are each capable of the same greatness. A woman who carries herself with grace and poise and whether you’ve known her for 5 years or 5 seconds, makes you feel like you can conquer the world. A woman who spoiled us in ways that a “thank you” will never be enough.
I sat by the pool and listened to a woman who sits on the complete opposite side of the political spectrum from me, share her desire to simply do good in this world. A trait that I try to live by each day. Then we laughed at how at our core, despite politics, we truly are very similar.
I listened to women share stories from all walks of life, imparting wisdom on both our business and on life in general.
I may have also listened to some inappropriate rap music on a party bus as well. It definitely didn’t come from my playlist though. ; )
But you know what? They listened too.
They listened as I stood and spoke about grit, using my experiences as a teacher as examples. They listened as I teared up talking about my students and my desire to save every child who struggles with adversity. They laughed at my ridiculous love for rap music and my overall awkwardness. And when it is was over they squeezed me and thanked me. And it was genuine.
Towards the end of the weekend, two of my mentors and sweet friends expressed their gratitude for our decision to say yes to this business, and profess how proud they were of how hard we had worked to get there. This moment is probably the one that stands out the most. The reason being is that it’s easy to gloat. It’s easy to stand back and look at the incredible things you’ve done and beam with pride. It’s easy to look at an organization made up of hundreds of people and calculate the money you’ll make. But you know what’s hard? Stepping back to let others shine and being their biggest cheerleader as they do so. Giving up your time to help others learn. Sharing your struggles so that others can connect and feel as though they are not alone. And as I slipped my giant, size 11 feet into a gift that made me grin like a teenage girl who just scored the best prom dress, I realized in that moment that I had been given the opportunity of a lifetime. Not because my weekend was filled with a beautiful resort and incredible gifts, but because I was surrounded by women who wanted to build me up and not tear me down. When you have that kind of support, a single opportunity can turn into something that will allow you to follow your wildest dreams.
If someone tells you that anyone can do this business. I’m sorry, but they’re lying. Everyone has the opportunity, but not everyone truly sees the value and uses this opportunity as a vehicle for change. You see, you have choices when you enter into the world of MLM. You can choose to focus only on a paycheck. You can choose to recruit fast and furiously, driven by the numbers. You can choose to overwhelm social media networks with posts resembling a bad infomercial. You can choose to undercut others.
Or…you can choose differently.
You can choose to dream of how you can help the world with the money you’ll make, even if it’s only pennies in the beginning. You can choose to have genuine relationships that you’ll build with each new business partner. You can choose to share with your network, the ways your business has changed your life. And…you can choose to help others shine. To be the person cheering the loudest each time they succeed and celebrate their success before your own. This weekend I was surrounded by women who choose to do these things.
They choose to lead their business with integrity. They choose to make a positive change in the world. They choose to build others up. And as my dear friend Tracy says… they choose to be a light.
**The featured image for this blog post wasn’t taken with a fancy filter or a special camera. But it embodies our weekend…lots of smiles, lots of laughter, lots of love, and lots of sweat. Cause Arizona is #hotAF
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2 thoughts on “How hot is it gonna be? – A recap of my Scottsdale business retreat.”
You always make me laugh! But this making me cry thing has got to stop :). I seriously could have not said how I feel about this team and the biz any better. You are a true friend and I am very honored to walk the life with you.
YOU are one of the many reasons why I love this business! Your passion for life and incredible wisdom are priceless. I love you my sweet friend and I can’t wait until our next adventure!!!
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